When Ethiopia feeds the world, who will feed Ethiopians?

When Bob Geldof formed Band Aid in 1984 he imagined the world feeding Ethiopia. Now, Ethiopia is feeding the world, but can things really have changed that much in 30 years? In the spring of this year I conducted a short piece of research into recent land lease deals and the subsequent building of huge farms in an area of Ethiopia called Gambella. The aim was to find out, through a number of longer semi-structured interviews with development workers and activists that had recently been in the area, what was going on and how it was affecting local people. The case study created a background for further discussion about political strategies for development in rural areas.

By: Agnes Bridge Walton Läs vidare

WHEN INVESTORS BECOME INVADERS – China in the conquest of Africa

The rise of China among the world’s economically leading countries seems to have posed a significant threat to the economical interest of many Western countries in Africa. Some African countries, like the Democratic Republic of Congo, has therefore become a battlefield between China and the West. Is China the right economical partner who will pull Africa out of its persistent economical turmoil? Läs vidare