What do we know about humans? We know they can act badly, and we know they can act well. A lot of people seem to believe it is not easy to differ right from wrong. But actually, it is. Every day you wake up, you are a new person. The identity of yesterday is gone, and the identity of now is presenting itself…

Av: Daniel Tell

We all know there are differences between people, it is even stated that every human is unique. What background does that give us? It gives us the background to see every person as an individual or as an entity. When people speak, other people hear what is said, and either disagree or agree. But it is also an opportunity to understand that if everyone is unique, there is a need for some common ground, for equality between genders, ages, sexual orientations, religions, classes etc. This creates the need for allowing diversity in multiple forms.

In this society, where is the serenity in the solitude and the lack of ambition? Where is the calm and submissive state of mind? Are they pushed into the very forests they, supposedly, came from? The helping of others should be a necessity and nothing else. Seriously, people need just a few bites of the dinner, at least here in the obese western world, and not the entire dinner. The human body can survive the most tenacious events if just a bit more will was involved in the every-day life. It’s the chances people give each other that lifts them, and the lack of trust that derails them. Certainly, in this modern society it is not always easy to survive, yet good people can be found in many places!

Treating creatures with Dignity, Respect, Tenderness, Understanding, Tolerance, Compassion and Humbleness is of utter importance and the start of true progressiveness of societies.

It’s about taking the faith in your own hand, and joining it with other hands, to spread enlightenment to the world. That yes, it is possible with a new and even better society. That yes, if you dare push yourself to the very limit of your own limitations, and humans are in a way limitless, together great deeds can be achieved. It is to speak up, and not let prejudice and hate soar the community we live in. To never again let people fall through the benches and straight down into the gutter. I believe these things are easy to understand, because the common love and trust amongst people is what drags us all up from whatever level of consciousness we are at, and together we strive forward.

The way to go is to make people feel appreciated for whom they are, and to strive for better solutions, such as to create a healthier world, or a healthier childhood or a healthier life, is what is interesting and progressive.

How do you make that happen? Well, by accepting that not all humans think the same way, but that all humans can still understand each other (mainly because we are all humans). Humans are a kind of animal with great thought-capacity. Meaning, we can reason and ask each other questions. So when you do the right things, you’ll get the correct response, hopefully.

A hint of what a correct phrase for living might be:

Love all people, no matter their background.
Love all life forms, no matter their background.

Don’t bring hate and war-mongering to a debate, find the smallest common denominator, ask people to do stuff, and do it. It may take one day; it may take a handful of days. Prejudice, I gladly throw to the gutter.

When people say “love your enemy” – they really mean it. It’s important to practice the necessity of leaving grudges where they belong, in the past. Once that is done, the possibility for a brighter mind is closer than it was before. It says, love your enemy, It doesn’t say, hate your enemy. To see each other, no matter what obstacles that seem to be in the way is of significance.

Personally I find it baffling; the bestiality people sometimes show each other. But there’s never a point to throwing rocks at each other – which person has not done something bad in its life? To strive for the commonality, the prosperity of diversity, should be a yardstick and not an exception.

Trust people, and they will trust you back.
Spread the message of listening – and then talking.
If we don’t understand each other – it will not end well.

Thankfully, I know that any person can understand any other person, if all the parties involved try. It’s not about concessions and giving up things that we value, it’s a way to spread the common knowledge that is all around us, but that so many people take for granted, and form it into a well-functioning entity.

See the world in a new light. Real ideas need real actions.

People should be walking on the street, offering help to each other. If something is in need of doing, get a group together and do it. Humans in some sense are based on ideas. It’s the wheel of ideas and personas that drives the world “forward”. A way to do things is by starting to give in a happy state of mind, everything from smiles to help to other necessities. Walk in the street, and never fear to speak to and listen to and help the people around you. It’s about starting doing what’s right.

You will not get answers to your questions if you are not open-minded to a wide spectrum of people and the ideas that may have a hold on them.

Mankind has created its own misery. I will no longer support people who want to create evil in this world. I, and a lot of other people (hopefully everybody) want to see a better world, and it all starts with understanding.

Love manages everything: Love heals the lonely, the tormented and the destitute.
In the banner of love the future will be shaped.
Hate breeds hate.
Love breeds love.

So, what unites mankind? I would claim it is the notion that we all can do wonders. No matter your background, you can change your life to the better. Just look at history. It’s important to not fear retribution and always speak up for people and their rights to be humans, no matter their religion, gender or socio-economic status. It is with kindness and compassion in the heart that change can happen. And yes, life is a journey in multiple ways, but that’s part of the process of experiencing life.

The essence of it all is: Wherever you are, to find hope and harmony in any situation, is at least a very good start. The inner peace is the start of the process to immortality. To sit down and just watch the world, you have the possibility of finding beauty anywhere in the world.

The kindest people, the suffering people, the caring people, are usually found on the bottom of the socalled (and indeed, it is despicable to entertain the thought of life as a pyramid) pyramid of society. The deprived and the needy are the ones who do not impinge their will on others. Who succumb to the suffering of life by doing well for others.

To be true to yourself is to be yourself. People with lesser knowledge may from time to time talk badly about others, but what they then do is talk badly about themselves. The common cause amongst people should be to compete in how to cooperate best.

No matter where you are in life, take a deep breath, and see what you can do for the persons around you. You are reborn every day, so go out there, and do some good.